Anson and Davey re-enact the lawnmower skit from the first night. I can't really say either of them are "jerks!"
Bubble time with cousin Jasmine.
As far as flights go, I know for a fact that York and Gloria, Trevor, Carol, & Dane, Keith, Brittany, & the Davey's made it out alright. However, I was told that the LA contingent had some major delays in their flight. I hope you all made it home okay. As for Jeff & JJ, they were flying standby on Delta, and the last time I saw them, they were waving to the rest of us Utahn's as we walked down the gangway. Jeff said he was pretty much planning on spending the night there at the airport. Jeff, if you are reading this, I hope you are doing it in the comfort of your own home!!!
Also, this blog is not just for this reunion, but the Tang Family in general. So if you have anything fun you would like to share, email me at For the time being I will be managing the blog. We will let you know if anything changes.
Hope to see everyone soon!!!
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